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Old 04-03-2013, 09:17 AM   #19
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Default Re: February 2013 Sales Figures - Shock as Nissan bumps Holden

Mazda3 3378 (down 11 per cent)
Toyota HiLux 3319 (up 46 per cent)
Toyota Corolla 3158 (up 0.5 per cent)
Nissan Navara 2639 (up 30 per cent)
Mitsubishi Triton 2336 (up 72 per cent)
Hyundai i30 2055 (down 15 per cent)
Ford Ranger 1739 (up 118 per cent)
Holden Commodore 1733 (down 42 per cent)
Holden Cruze 1730 (down 39 per cent)
Nissan Dualis 1548 (up 70 per cent)

I see workhorses making up 10,033 of a total top ten sales of 23,635.

Basically business purchases are fuelling the car economy and Commodore and Falcon if we assume 800 sales for Falcon will make up 2500 or 24,435 sales.....10% between them, which is no great suprise.
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