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Old 10-09-2013, 12:24 PM   #25
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Default Re: Senator Nick Xenephon "Priority to save Holden "

Personally rather than drip feeding selected companies , i would rather see policies implemented that will make industry /manufacturing across the board more profitable, ie if you grease the wheels of industry, they kick on and employ more people, build more product, more people working means more people spending money.............. less people on social security, win for the economy , win for industry, the exact opposite it would seem to that of the last 6 years.
If we are going to get industry cranking again cost needs to come down, the power industry has said if the carbon tax goes the cost of power should come down by about 10 percent, I would imagine energy cost for building cars to be huge so that should be a good start.
Edit: to add to that i think power is also a huge cost for smelting steel so there may even be benefits if the cost of steel comes down a tad.

Last edited by mik; 10-09-2013 at 12:49 PM.
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