Originally Posted by new2ford
Ah yes, the famous Czech video! Yes its stupid driving, but note how alert other drivers are - obviously watching their RV mirrors which doesn't happen in Australia, and also notable lack of Camrys in outside lane 10kph below limit. Also the 'code of conduct' - at one stage someone wants to pass him and even though he's going flat out himself he still moves over to let them have a go. In Australia the response would be aggressive blocking action, indeed one driver tries that (Australian tourist?) and see the comment and response! If the idiot central character and his car was removed from the film it could have the makings of a good instructional video on appropriate road behaviours.
Spot on. I've done plenty of O/S driving and the thing that stands out is the ego every Australian driver has.
If someone comes screaming up behind me, it's simply because they want to go faster than me, not because my tool is small (which it isn't btw, ask my gf).
Drivers here tend to jam on the anchors when you come up behind them and do all they can to stop you from passing. No-one seems to respect the sanctity of the overtaking lane.