Originally Posted by XRQTOR
I was under the understanding they need ed a clean 2 sec lock to get a correct speed.
It was 3 seconds, but that has been removed from the australian standards. Not sure if the NSW police operating procedures have been updated.
Originally Posted by Panda
The normal error for mobile devices is 10%. Fixed devices (speed cameras etc) are more like 5%.
Its not the error, it is the leeway the officer gives. 10% in NSW is a very safe speed, unless the cop just found out his wife is having an affair, then it's anyones guess what leeway he gives.
Originally Posted by ltd
Also, I don't know how much truth there is in this but apparently if you let the matter go to court and are found guilty of the charge; you don't lose the points in NSW because you aren't paying the fine to the Infringement Processing Bureau, your paying the fine to the court. This means at the IFB they cannot complete the fine/points transaction on their computer as it is not in direct receipt by the IFB. Has anyone else heard of this?
as has already been said, nope. What does happen though is the points don't occur until you are found guilty, either by paying the initial fine or by being found guilty in court (even before paying the fine). The delay though can mean you already have waited 12 months of the 3 years before the points come back. My understanding (from listening to magistrates talk in court) is the magistrates no longer have the discretion to change the points for an offence, and are close (may have happened now) to losing discretion on minimum dui offences.
I could contest the matter, but honestly who has a day to sit around in court waiting for the matter to be heard for the sake of 75 bucks. I think I'll just send them $100.
what about the 3 points though... under 15 and 15 to 30 over is 3 points..
Originally Posted by XRQTOR
should aslo be able to beat it in court seeing as it doesn't actually detect radar if ou ever get caught with it.
I think you will find a radar detector offence is preferable to being caught with a jammer... federal offence for a jammer, state for the detector.
Originally Posted by ltd
He also reckons career highway patrolmen are the worst police on the force, because all they give a rats **** about is fining people. According to him, most GD officers hate being partnered with HW/P.
In my experience the GD are a lot worse than HWP on the south coast, even though we have one officer who is a real mongrel. I've had plenty of chats with HWP (both roadside and just in passing, official and off the record) but everytime I have dealings with GD I end up having to wear a suit a few times. (another 1 coming up, but they have to find me first) HWP on the other hand have been very friendly, being let off for 20 over etc etc.
Originally Posted by XRQTOR
Thanks for pointiong it out, have seen it before and it cannot be used as it is not an actual hard copy. Number 3 would let me walk, he couldn't have had a 3 sec lock even if i was doing the limit and there were no car's in front of him.
read what I said above... BUT if the 3 second rule is still in the procedure manual, then you do have an out. BUT again, it is up to you to have measurements and maths to back up your claim he couldn't have a 3 second lock in the distance he said he did.
for example, if his evidence is "I observed this vehicle for 3 seconds and in my estimation it was travelling at an excessive speed, and the radar unit confirmed it over a 3 second lockon" then that is 6 seconds... HWP cops though visit court on a regular basis and don't normally make simple mistakes. In a previous case I observed (closely I may add) the 2 witnesses were a HWP officer and a prosecutor. they wanted to read from their statements (this was 11 months after the offence) which were made more than 6 months after the offence. My solicitor objected and it was upheld. The prosecutor witness came across as a bumbling fool... the HWP cop however even had me convinced I was guilty...